W Serca z Kamienia expansion, one of the quests is named Druciarz, Myśliwy, Żołnierz, Szpieg which is a reference to the spy novel by John le Carré. W Serca z Kamienia expansion, one of the paintings at the auction is „Gwiaździsta noc nad Pontarem” by "van Rogh", clearly a reference to " Gwiaździsta noc nad Rodanem" by van Gogh. These guards are engaged in a discussion very reminiscent of the song "The Fox" by Ylvis. During the quest " Umarł król, niech żyje król", when Geralt and Yennefer are attempting to sneak into Ermion's laboratory, they must hide behind a tapestry to avoid two of the keep's guards. The title of the book Kroniki Historii Redanii is almost certainly a nod to C. List do Gaetana mentions another witcher of Wiedźmińska szkoła cechu Kota named Schrödinger and says "Co do Schrödingera nie jestem pewien, może żyje, może nie." A clear reference to the thought experiment. Book O bazyliszkach i kuroliszkach słów kilkoro pokes fun at the traditional fairy tale of " Czerwony Kapturek". Geralt can find a body of a halfling in a "sky cell" on Kaer Almhult looking very much like Tyrion Lannister from the Game of Thrones who happened to be in a similar situation. Book Podróże Między Światami refers to "Orphelius, who ventured into the nether realms to save his beloved, Theodor, who, fleeing a hurricane, found himself in the drab and monotonous world of Zo, or Ecila, who tumbled down a ferret hole into a land that had never heard of wonder" which respectively are references to Orfeusz, Dorota and Krainy Oz, and Alicja and her adventures in Krainie Czarów. Book Tristianna i Izydor most likely is a reference to Tristan i Izolda. The name of the quest is clearly a reference to Zagłada domu Usherów, and the corpse walled up in the basement could certainly be a reference to Fortunato in Beczka Amontillado. The quest " Zagłada domu Reardonów" contains at least two references to Edgar Allen Poe.This appears to be a reference to "Lurch", the butler in Rodzina Addamsów. Map description of the village of Wieś Sworoń suggests it was named after its first ealdorman "Lurtch", a former butler.Geralt can find the Necronomikon, a reference to H.P.Hodgson's shop in Novigrad is obviously poking fun at the Zmierzch. A notice on the board in Wieś Sztygary is clearly a reference to the Flecista z Hameln.Her name seems to be a reference to Dolores O'Riordan, lead singer of the Irish band "The Cranberries". His name seems to be a reference to Lawrence Welk, American musician, accordionist, bandleader, and television impresario.
His name seems to be a reference to Gilbert Blythe, a character in Lucy Maud Montgomery's Ania z Zielonego Wzgórza. Ghilbert Blith, a hapless suitor in love with Rosa var Attre.It's an obvious reference to Jango Fett from the Star Wars who is a renown bounty hunter as well. One of the characters in the game is called Djengo Frett and he is a famous bounty hunter.Uwaga! W dalszej części artykułu znajdują się szczegóły fabuły lub zakończenia utworu.